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natural structure中文是什么意思

用"natural structure"造句"natural structure"怎么读"natural structure" in a sentence


  • 自然结构


  • Is for interfere do not interfere with natural structures made by wildlife that are part of the ecosystem e . g . spider web , termite nests , bird nests . they are essential for these animals survival
    代表interfere ,即滋扰切勿乱动由野生生物筑成的大自然建筑物,例如蜘蛛网白蚁巢和鸟巢等,因为这些都是动物的生存关键。
  • The improper excavating will bear capacity , water permeability , natural structure and geological structure worsenning the base rock of foundation . , this ca n ' t be allowed to the water conservancy project building , especially to block water building . lt will not only increase the expenses happened of the remedy measure , but also lengthen building straight line time limit for a project of construction
  • In order to solve the problems with heavy turpentine , such as complex constituents , vicinal boiling point , difficult to separation and hard to comprehensive utilization , the - santalene was converted to natural structure similar product - santalol by light - oxidize reaction , and caryophyllene epoxide was obtained at the same time
  • Recent research has demonstrated the strong performance of hidden markov model applied in information extraction . however , the information extraction based on hidden markov model generally takes a token as a basic extraction unit , and the information of format and list separators is not taken into account . based on the natural structure of text , a block - based hidden markov model is provided
    目前基于隐马尔科夫( hmm )信息抽取模型一般以单词作为基本抽取单位,考虑到文本排版格式、分隔符等信息的存在,文本实际上可以看作是由一些文本分块序列组成,同一分块内的所有单词只可能属于同一个状态,而不同分块可以属于一个或多个状态。
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